When shipping smaller shipments to Bermuda it is best to use one of the major courier companies (FedEx, DHL, UPS) Please use the following address.  For larger shipments please contact us for air freight information.  

  • “Name of Vessel” Yacht In Transit
  • C/O St. George’s Marina.
  • #9 Ordnance Island
  • CAPS ID #142655
  • St George’s GE05
  • Bermuda


Most courier shipments get to Bermuda in  a matter of a couple of days, however for “Yacht in transit” shipments it can take a couple of days more to get the items released.  If the items being sent are of low value it may be worth paying the duty (25% of the value) if you want to receive the item a bit sooner.    The St.George’s Marina charges $5 for recieveing documents and $25 for recieving packages.

When sending shipments to Bermuda please use the following process:

  1. Use the above shipping address
  2. Make sure that the shipper uses our phone number and email address.  This will assure that correspondence from courier companies requesting payment, invoices etc… come to us. 
  3. Please forward an invoice for the shipment to us. The invoice should
    1. Be clearly written or typed on company letterhead
    2. Show individual and extended costs
    3. Show any discounts clearly
    4. State type of currency
    5. Show proper values for all items, including “no charge” items (inclusive items)
    6. Be signed as “True and Correct” if a “Commercial Invoice”